Against the Horizon: Feminism and Postwar Austrian Women Writers

But the more imminent threat to the city’s housing standards is growth. Vienna needs 130,000 new residential units by 2025, and stretched public resources could force compromises in quality, gender sensitivity among them. KnarvikMila is more than one race and more than a single distance. Shake hands with everyone present–men, women and children–at a business or social meeting; shake hands with women before men. Religious drama flourished, especially in Tirol, during the Middle Ages. During the Counter-Reformation, Jesuit priests wrote countless religious dramas and staged plays at Jesuit schools.

17% of the population live in single person households; most of them are widowed elderly women. In total, 793,000 citizens from other EU-countries live in Austria, representing 52% of all foreign citizens in Austria. The biggest group among EU-citizens are 209,000 Germans, followed by Romanian , Hungarian , Croatian and Polish citizens .

Though the project had the backing of those at the top of the administration, at lower levels there was sometimes openly sexist objection. There were many cases where department heads who had not been against gender mainstreaming in principle revealed themselves to be less amenable to having to apply it themselves. When Christina Atta moved to Aspern four years ago, she was one of its rare single women.

Since the mid-1970s, the Austrian legislature has passed a number of measures aimed at equalizing the treatment of men and women in the workforce. However, most women are still paid less than men for doing the same type of job. The Women’s Omnibus Law, passed in 1993, provides for compensation for women who have been discriminated against in the workplace because of their gender or who have faced sexual harassment. The Equal Treatment Law of 1979 has continued to fight discrimination against women.

  • In addition to financial expenses, which the Austrian authorities saw as a burden, the problem of occupation children was linked to moral attitudes.
  • Tourism contributes a substantial portion to the economy, especially ski resorts in the Alps and cultural attractions in Vienna and Salzburg.
  • In Hollywood, Lamarr was introduced to a variety of quirky real-life characters, such as businessman and pilot Howard Hughes.
  • Children born of war–a decade of international and interdisciplinary research.
  • The largest cohorts were born in the 1950s and especially the 1960s.

Only on application, and if it was in the best interests of the child, was an individual guardian to be appointed instead of the youth welfare agency. Since members of the Allied forces were not subject to Austrian jurisdiction, welfare agencies had to contribute financial assistance if fathers did not pay voluntary alimony and mothers, or maternal grandparents were not able to provide for their children. At least 1,500 French occupation children, Les Enfants d’État, were “repatriated” from Germany alone to France, while most grew up in Germany and Austria (Gries, 2015; Huber, 2015). At the same time, tolerance toward nonmarital children grew, who increasingly became the rule rather than the exception. As society opened toward nonmarital children, “patchwork” families, and single parents, the self-confidence of occupation children may also have strengthened. Interviewed British occupation children reported having asked unpleasant questions about their “roots” within their families.


122,000 Serbs, 118,000 Turks and 97,000 citizens from Bosnia and Herzegovina represent the three largest communities of nationals from outside of the European Union. Our systems have detected unusual traffic activity from your network.

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No matter where you are in the world, whether it is your hometown or a new city, it is important to be alert and practice awareness of your surroundings. Austria is a fairly safe place, however there are a few precautions any traveler should take while navigating a new country. Be cautious in areas that are touristy and may have large crowds as pickpocketing may happen such as the plaza around St. Stephen’s Cathedral, the pedestrian shopping areas in Vienna’s First District and on public transportation. The University of Vienna is regarded as the most prominent university in Austria and is the alma mater of nine Nobel Prize winners therefore it is known for its academic excellence and high international rankings. TU Wien is another prominent university in Vienna and ranks among the top universities in Europe. TU Wien is a technology-focused university and emphasizes research and coursework on sciences and engineering.

During that time, the Habsburg family and the Roman Catholic Church were chief supporters of the arts. Austria is sometimes known as «the Land of Music.» Annual festivals throughout the country feature Austrian orchestras, choirs, and other groups. The best known is the Salzburg Summer Festival, founded in 1920. Austria is famous for its Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra and Vienna Boys’ Choir. Austria saw a boom in marriages from 1945 through the 1960s, a golden age for the economy. Today, however, fewer young people marry, more couples divorce, and more live together and raise children without marrying.

Knowledge, attitudes, and practices surrounding breast cancer screening in educated Appalachian women. Novel pattern of P53 mutation in breast cancers from Austrian women. Provocative Vienna-based decoration planner, Nina Levett’s work investigates society and connections. As well as working autonomously, she makes representation establishments for clients like Blickfang, for whom she arranged the ‘Trust Liar’ establishment. Her works can be found at the Austrian Exhibition hall of Applied Expressions in Vienna, the Alessi Historical center in Milan, and in workmanship displays and fairs across Europe, Asia, and the US. Initially from Turkey, Nilbar presently lives and works in Vienna.

About 36,000 people hold citizenships of African and 24,000 of American countries. In 2000, Austria’s population has surpassed the 8 million mark. At the be- ginning of 2021, 8.93 million inhabitants were registered in Austria. reed about austrian women features reed about According to current population projections, the figure is expected to reach 9.94 million by 2080. The municipality with the largest population is Vienna, which had 1.92 million residents at the beginning of 2021.

The staff at Mauthausen administered more than 60 subcamps, including Gusen, Gunskirchen, Melk, Ebensee, and Amstetten. What’s more, Ferdinand, who died impoverished in Switzerland at the end of the war, made a will of his own, leaving all of his property to his nephews and nieces. Maria was the only one still alive in 1998 when a series of investigative articles in the Austrian press revealed the paintings’ true ownership. It took more than a half century and the opening of government cultural archives to expose the real story. Against all odds more than a half century later, she fought her way to the U.S.

Along the X axis is time, and on the y axis is the count of editions published. Some critics have complained that the Austrian cultural officers are portrayed in one dimensional shades of evil, but the record is replete with those characteristics right into the 21st century. It may not be a memorable movie, but Mirren, as always, delivers a thoroughly convincing performance as Maria Altmann, as does Reynolds in the role of Randol Schoenberg. For a film that took just eight weeks to shoot, mainly in London, it’s a presentable and interesting screen adaptation — well-acted, with occasionally silly scenes like the one in the Supreme Court. Only a mother could love this rendition of a Supreme Court argument, using the Lord Mayor’s Mansion House in London as an unconvincing stand-in for the real deal. The answer to that question was, «No.» The Austrian government fought with everything it had to keep the painting, and Mrs. Altmann fought back with equal ferocity. Maria Altmann celebrates with family members in 2006 after an Austrian arbitration court determined the country is legally obligated to return the Gustav Klimt paintings to her.
