Reliability of Data Protection

Data is essential to the success of any business. However, data can only deliver reliable and relevant results when it’s reliable. Businesses risk costly mistakes, and also losing time, money and resources in the absence of reliable data. Data integrity initiatives aim to build trust within an company by implementing reliable data. In this article, we’ll go over all you need to know about the reliability of your data protection including what it is, how to control it and why it’s important.

Data protection reliability is the capability to protect personal information from malicious or accidental modifications as well as unauthorised disclosure and access. This is accomplished by ensuring the integrity of data, ensuring that it is correct and complete, enabling trusted analytics and decision-making, while protecting against internal and external threats. It’s important to note that there are many different elements that make up the reliability of data, and while validation and validity are the most important elements It’s also crucial to have tools in place that can improve the quality of data and improve its reliability.

To ensure the reliability of data, it is essential to perform a regular assessment of your data. This will help you identify any areas in which your data might not be reliable as well as identifying the areas that require improvement. For example, if the evaluation reveals that some of your data is invalid it can be rectified by the process of data preparation.

It is crucial to establish and adhere to a framework of data governance to ensure the integrity of your data. This includes establishing policies and procedures to manage and handle data as well as processes to monitor and track data quality. This can be done using a unified data platform which provides visibility into the health of all your pipelines and data assets. This allows you to be aware of data-related incidents and investigate their root cause to prevent them from happening again.

The right to transferability of data is a crucial aspect of integrity of data. It is the ability to transfer data between controllers. This is an important part of being able and able to use data for various purposes and is a requirement in certain sectors to ensure regulatory compliance. It reduces costs since companies can utilize the same data across departments.

The right to data portability is set out in Article 20(1) of the GDPR. It states that individuals have the right to transfer their personal data from one controller to another where technically feasible and when it doesn’t adversely affect the rights and freedoms of other individuals. This right applies both to unstructured as well as structured information. Data can be transferred, as an example from a spreadsheet into an analytics tool or from a cloud-based platform to a local computer.
