The Importance of Data Management

Data management is a collection of different disciplines that seek to ensure that the information in your corporate systems is accurate, accessible and meets the requirements of your business. It involves everything from defining a data architecture to creating a centralized system that unifies data and supports analytics, and the tools required to support it all.

It is vital that business users are involved in certain parts of the process. This will ensure that data is able to meet their needs now and in future. This includes identifying data sets which are suitable for analysis and establishing policies to protect the data.

The process of keeping track of your data takes time and effort. However, it’s a worthwhile investment because it will help you avoid costly errors that could otherwise derail your project, from losing important research data, to violating privacy laws.

For example, documentation can help you retrace your steps if something goes wrong, like when a hard drive fails or a team member moves to Jamaica. A properly documented research project can help improve collaboration and speed up research by allowing others to pick up where you were when you left off.

Effective data management can aid the scientific community in the whole, increasing the credibility of recent research findings and allowing more educational use of results. It can also result in faster replication, better reproducibility, and decrease in uncertainty.
