The Board Meeting Process

It is essential that a board meeting goes smoothly and that all issues are addressed. The following procedure for a board meeting is a guideline that can help to ensure that the meeting runs according to plan and all the important points are covered.

The chair begins the meeting by addressing matters of personal or perfunctory nature, and welcoming guests or new members to the board. The board is introduced in a formal manner, and the officers are introduced.

The board receives lots of information between meetings, typically in the form of committee reports and correspondence. The chair should allow the time to spend on this during the meeting. However, it is important to not detract from discussions of most pressing issues

After the board has reviewed the past performance, its successes as well as challenges, it will look to the future strategy. This involves brainstorming ideas that can aid the company in its growth and develop across its various departments and increase its market share. The board will then think about the best way to implement these strategies and create actions items for the management team to accomplish to accomplish this.

The board usually discusses any new business that has been brought up for the meeting by the board members or the executive management. The board will also look over any old business that hasn’t been resolved. The chair will then move to call the meeting to an end.
