How to Access the Dark Web

If you’re interested in seeing what lurks under the hood on the internet, it’s easy to get access to the dark web. However, there are some risks. Think of it as walking into a city with secret back alleys: It’s straightforward enough to explore, but taking the wrong path could land you in trouble.

In short, the dark web is an online cesspool for criminal activities which include drug deals as well as black-hat hacking, terrorism and drug deals. It’s a place where criminals, including hitmen, human smugglers and corrupt officials can meet. The dark web isn’t only bad. It also serves as a channel between political snobs and people from the open world. It allows whistleblowers to anonymously share their tips.

Tor is a special browser that lets you access the dark web. It works a bit like a VPN in that it encrypts your web requests and wiping out geo-location tags that your ISP or the government could use to track you. Tor enhances your privacy because it routes your request through an international network of volunteer servers.

Once you’ve installed, and configured Tor Once you’ve installed and configured Tor, you can begin surfing the dark web. Content isn’t as well-indexed as on the surface web however there are plenty of sites to check out. You’ll find websites where you can buy illegal weapons and drugs, as well guides on how to hide your digital footprint or launch ransomware attacks.
