El Centro de Estudios en Economía y Negocios (CEEN), de la Facultad de Economía y Negocios de la Universidad del Desarrollo, es una organización privada sin fines de lucro, que desde 2001 realiza investigación aplicada con el fin de aportar conocimiento público sobre aspectos importantes y poco estudiados de la coyuntura de la economía chilena.
Actualmente, el CEEN focaliza sus actividades en cuatro áreas:
- Expectations and Economic Activity: This work area follows the sentiment of consumers and businessmen on a monthly basis, concentrating particularly on current and future perceptions of income, employment and unemployment, investment, production, sales, and production costs, and their interdependencies. Its analysis allows inferring in advance the medium-term trends of the economy and the main sectors of activity.
- Inflation and Cost of Living: The work in this area evaluates the differentiated effects of inflation on the cost of living for households of the different income quintiles, and annually for a household representative of the highest income stratum in the different regional capitals of the country. The analysis of the cumulative effects of inflation on the purchasing power of remunerations and the cost of living is relevant for salary negotiations bitcoin gambling, and the evaluation of job opportunities in different cities of the country.
- Economic groups: This area follows the quarterly evolution of the assets, income and stock market equity of the 32 main economic groups in the country, incorporating the notable events and changes in the consolidated structure of their ownership in the different companies and related companies that make up. Its analysis makes it possible to identify the relevance and trajectory of each economic group in terms of its size and growth.
- Regional competitiveness: The purpose of this area of work is to monitor the conditions of regional competitiveness, based on an annual monitoring of seven dimensions of competitiveness in the 15 regions of Chile. Their study is relevant for research, decision-making on fiscal spending and public policies at the regional level, and decisions on the geographic location of private sector initiatives.
Nuestros informes tienen amplia cobertura en la prensa nacional, y a través de los años han contribuido a ilustrar el análisis y la toma de decisiones económicas y financieras de los hogares, las empresas, las entidades del sistema financiero, y el gobierno.